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This PDF book is a showcase of my latest series of anthotypes, accompanied by detailed information about my methods, exposure times, ingredients, and more. It also includes the beautiful feedback that I received during the Forgotten Sounds project, quotes and poems.

The book is divided into several sections that cover various aspects of the project. It begins with “Forgotten Sounds,” explaining how this project worked. The section “What are Anthotypes” provides an explanation of this printing technique. “My Process” shows the step-by-step method I followed to create the anthotypes.

The heart of the book lies within the sections dedicated to Earth, Ocean, and Sky. These divisions present the anthotype prints that I made using photosensitive material derived from plants. These images were gifted to the participants of the Heart 4 Earth project.

With a total of 100 pages, the book features 40 anthotype prints, each accompanied by information about the ingredients utilized and the corresponding exposure time. It also lists the 25 ingredients that were essential to the creation of my prints.

I hope that my readers will appreciate the beauty of nature captured through this unique art form.

To purchase this book CLICK HERE


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